Frequently Asked Questions
There are many ways to reach us:
The most reliable way to reach us is to dial (337) 232-4357 and speak with one of our Information and Referral Specialists. They will assist you in finding the help you need.
If our phone number is long distance for you, try our toll-free number (866) 778-2618.
232-HELP serves the following parishes:
Saint Landry
Saint Martin
Saint Mary
TerrebonneIf you are in one of our parishes, 232-HELP is the local 211 service provider. You can also reach us by dialing 211.
(Please be aware that not all wireless phone providers and office phone systems can access 211 services. If your phone does not connect the 211 call try one of our other numbers for assistance.)
If you would rather search for resources yourself check out our online resource directory.
211 is an easy to remember telephone number that gives you access to information about health, human and social services. 211 also connects people to important community services and volunteer opportunities. 211 services are available in most areas across the United States and Canada, all reachable by simply dialing 211 on a telephone. Please see this page for more information about 211.
Resources are also available online at our resources directory. You can search using your zip code for specific needs. If you have any difficulty finding the services you need, call 232-HELP at 211 or (337) 232-4357 to receive assistance from one of our Information and Referral Specialists.
We provide an easy way to find information about solutions for a wide range of issues including, but not limited to:
Alzheimer’s resources
Basic needs-food, clothing, shelter
Child care Child development
Children’s health and insurance
Consumer help
Crisis intervention
Disability services
Disaster resources
Elder care
Financial assistance
Emergency shelter
Energy assistance
Health care
HIV/AIDS testing
Home care
Legal assistance
Maternal/child health services
Parenting education programs
Senior services
Substance abuse
Suicide prevention
Nonprofits and government agencies can submit information about their programs and services for the directory. In some instances for-profit organizations providing unique community services will also be included. To be listed, they must provide health and human services to our service-area residents.
Please reach out to either:
Pierre Coleman
Contact Center Lead, MBA, CRS-DC
Cricket Patin
Database Coordinator
cricket@232-help.org -
Yes, it is! 232-HELP/LA 211 enhanced information and referral services operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our resource directory is also available on our website here.
Yes, pay phone services are available in most locations, though a charge may apply.
You can certainly use your cell phone to call 232-HELP directly at (337) 232-4357 and most cell phone carriers have made 211 calling available to their customers. Contact your carrier to if you are unsure whether or not your carrier provides access to 211. Usage charges and taxes may vary depending on individual plans.
All of our Information and Referral Specialists at 232-HELP/LA 211 are equipped to handle calls from a TTY (telephone typewriter). Be sure to give the Information and Referral Specialist time to connect to the TTY line when placing the call.
There will be Information and Referral Specialists answering calls at all times. Occasionally, there may not be an available Navigator due to high call volume. If this is the case, you will have the option to wait or request a callback. You are always welcome to utilize our online resource database.
All calls are handled confidentially. The Information and Referral Specialists will ask for a zip code and other demographic information to help locate the services closest to the home or site of the person in need.
The caller may be asked if they are willing to provide additional information to help locate resources, or ask clarifying questions to narrow down the search.
Callers are not required to provide any additional information. None of the information gathered will be shared with other providers without the caller’s permission or as designated by state law.