Our Mission
232-HELP is a single destination agency providing information, education, and referral services. Guidance and direct services are rendered as required.
232- HELP/211 exists to help those in crisis return to being healthy and productive members of the community and to empower and strengthen individuals and families by connecting those in need with the community and social services that address their needs.
We deliver on our Mission by:
Facilitating referrals to the proper agency or group for those who need help and following through on all referrals.
Rendering, when possible, direct services in the absence of any other agency, individual, or organized service capable of responding to a particular request for help.
Collaborating and networking with other community service organizations within the 232-HELP / Louisiana 211 geographic boundaries as well as other Louisiana 211 providers.
Educating the public on matters related to health and social problems.
Identifying gaps in community services and incubating new programs where needed.
Engaging in realistic long-range planning to ensure the delivery of our Mission.